
My First Blog Post

I want to first and foremost say that I am generally a pretty goofy girl. I love to laugh, be entertained, listen to music… I’m as normal as it gets.

Recently, I came across some internal issues. I felt like I was questioning myself a lot, I was unsure of what was going on around me. I was no longer listening to my gut and I truly suffered for it too.

As soon as I woke up from that, I was feeling anything and everything. Even if the emotions didn’t belong to me. I am scared to dive into them without some kind of life jacket. Don’t get me wrong I never ignore feelings and emotions…except my own. I remember trying to google things that may help from a more raw mindset, I am simply sick and tired of these medical sounding journals & articles. I have seen a quote, “I couldn’t find a book I wanted to read on the shelf, so I wrote one myself.” and I couldn’t help but think: a blog! Write a blog!

What was happening was I was taking other peoples wounds, putting myself in their shoes… and ignoring my own. My pain took a back seat because helping others was easier. People are easier for me to help than myself. What a painful realization. I’m sure others have gone through that too, that’s why I’m writing to you. I get it. I really do.

I wanted to fix everything for everyone. That took a lot of energy based on my own expectations for myself to be able to heal others.

Until December of 2018, I wasn’t feeling that positive about life. I became pessimistic and closed off to a lot of people I was close to. Which meant strangers definitely weren’t going to get close to me either. I’m writing about this specifically to tell you it does get better. You do turn around and come to a healthier mindset when you open up to it. You do begin to realize that not every single thing your friends vent out loud needs an emotional response. You don’t need to take responsibility; meaning you don’t need to own THEIR emotions. They can do it themselves, they have to.

The way I went about it was choosing to make better choices about how I viewed things.

I want to share my journey in self love, acceptance, and discipline. I hope the time you take to read through my posts helps you in some way.

You’re in a safe place here, grab a cup of coffee, take a seat, and get comfy!

Questions: 1) What do you struggle with the most day to day? & 2) What would you like to see next from this blog? In the mean time, take care & be well.

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